Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Top 5 Ways to Kick Start Your Online Business

Top 5 Ways to Kick Start Your Online Business

It's a brand new year and time and the perfect time to give your business the kick start it so desperately needs. Did you ever get the feeling that your business is at a standstill even if you've been in business for a while? Of course it does. It happens to everyone - I know that because it's happened to me time and time again. In the following you'll find the top five ways to give your business a boost.

1. Build a Website
Yes, we're starting at the very beginning here. I've seen too many folks who for example are affiliate marketers or direct sales representatives and they're still working with their "company issued" website. Sure, that might be the ideal (and easy way out). However, it is time to break out of that shell and build something better.

2. Learn SEO
Build It and They Will Come - Bull! That just does NOT happen so get that out of your head now. Take the time now and learn a little about Search Engine Optimization. Why waste the time building a website if the search engines can't find you? There are a lot of things out there that you should be doing and more importantly, things you shouldn't be doing. Learn how to build your website the right way now and you'll thank yourself later.

3. Start a Newsletter
Hopefully you already have one but, if you don't - start one now! You NEED a way to keep in front of your customer / visitors on a regular basis. Build a list of folks who WANT to know when you have specials, know when you have a new product, etc. etc. Your newsletter doesn't have to be something huge and elaborate. As a matter of fact, here's when the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Sweetie) concept comes into play.

4. Advertise Your Business
To gain exposure/brand recognition, gain immediate sales, announce new products/services and search engine optimization are just a few of the reasons why you need to advertise. Very few businesses can survive without some type of advertising. It's also one of the most important aspects in running certain types of businesses. Unfortunately, it seems to be one of the biggest steps missed and/or done incorrectly. Take the time to learn more about online advertising, sales copy writing and don't skip this important step!

5. Online Promotion
There are many, many other ways to promote your business online (in addition to traditional advertising). Ebook writing, mini courses and article writing are just a few tactics. Believe it or not, these CAN be used with ANY online business (even affiliate marketers and direct sales representatives). Make it your goal to write one of the above this year.

Anita DeFrank is the author of Kick Start Your Online Business. The online world is full of possibility. It gives you the power to meet people from all over the world that you could never dream of meeting and better yet, Do Business with these people. Stop wasting time sifting through all the advice that may or may not be useful and learn from her mistakes. Learn more about her book at


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