6 Quick Tips for a Successful Online Fair
Online parties and fairs can be profitable for everyone involved, but not if they aren't done right. We've heard many complaints over poorly organized or planned events, even though anyone can hold a successful event. In this article, we'll cover the 6 basic tips to ensure that you as the coordinator have set up an event that will be worth the time of the vendors.
1. Set Up
One of the best ways to set up your vendor fair is to have all the vendors and contact information listed on one web page. Don't forget to include a link to "enter" the event.
2. Costs, Fees, Etc.
Whether or not to charge vendors is a highly debated topic and completely up to you. Should you decide to charge - be sure it is reasonable (especially for your first one).
3. Inviting Guests
Be sure to invite guests outside the "vendor list".
4. Vendor Advertising
Encourage your vendors to promote the event also. The more promotion that is done; the more guests you're likely to have.
5. Set a Schedule
Set a certain time for each vendor to do their presentations so that each vendor has their fair "time to share".
6. Choosing a Room
Choosing a room is a crucial decision for your event. Be sure to do your research on various rooms and be sure to ask for recommendations from others.
There are several other tips included in organizing an event, but the most important is to be organized and make sure there is enough promotion. The last thing you want is unhappy vendors walking away without so much as a lead because of poor planning!
Anita DeFrank & Kara Kelso, authors of Direct Sales Success, specialize in coaching direct sales representatives to reach their goal of becoming successful in their field. Visit http://www.DirectSalesHelpers.com for free weekly tips.
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